-  CERCLA Cost-Recovery Disputes

-  Clean Water Act Compliance

-  US EPA Regulatory Enforcement

-  Insurance Recovery Disputes

-  Due Diligence

-  Toxic Torts (Ground Water)

-  Toxic Torts (Product Liability)

-  Compliance Counseling

Environmental Experience

Environmental Law

GRL takes a team approach to representing clients in environmental matters, working side-by-side with clients and technical and engineering experts to achieve the best possible outcomes while never losing sight of the clients’ end goals and objectives. 

Al has years of experience representing clients in a wide-array of environmental-related matters.  He has represented both plaintiffs and defendants in CERCLA cost-recovery actions and defended clients in class, mass and individual actions seeking to recover for property damage and personal injuries resulting from environmental contamination.  In addition to private litigation, Al has represented clients in US EPA regulatory enforcement actions.  He has also counseled clients on compliance with a number of environmental laws and regulations, including the Clean Water Act, the Oil Pollution Prevention Act, FIFRA, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission's labeling requirements for certain household products. 

Al also assists clients who are dealing with environmental issues associated with mergers, acquisitions and real estate transactions.  This includes performing appropriate environmental due diligence to identify potential environmental issues and negotiating environmental-related provisions of merger, acquisition and real estate contracts to address any environmental issues.